Freitag, 9. November 2012

NonGUI JMeter test with properties values and log output

We need JMeter test for check some newer software release of our search backend.

To run that like in production we run it in production...

To adapt environment specific properties within the test plan we use Java system properties.

Step 1

Therefore we specifiy a new thread group and use our tomcat access logs which will parsed by JMeter "Access Log Sampler" (Parser: TCLogParser).
To adapt prod specific properties, we use JMeter properties featuere and set:
Server:  ${__P(solrserver)}
Port:      ${__P(solrport)}
LogFile: ${__P(logfile)}

Step 2

We copy the jmx File to our prod server which runs the tests.
 and start them via:

jmeter -n -Dsolrserver=localhost -Dsolrport=11011 -Dlogfile=/var/log/tomcat-server/solr21-1/access-2012-11-06.log -l log.jtl -j jm.log -t TestPlan.jmx -Dsummariser.out=true -Dsummariser.interval=4

The "Summariser" params leads to log some output to console window, like here:

summary +    510 in     7s =   73.3/s Avg:    72 Min:     0 Max:   874 Err:     0 (0.00%) Active: 6 Started: 6 Finished: 0
summary = 109375 in   752s =  145.4/s Avg:    40 Min:     0 Max:  1946 Err:   420 (0.38%)
summary +    420 in   6.2s =   67.6/s Avg:    83 Min:     1 Max:   878 Err:     0 (0.00%) Active: 6 Started: 6 Finished: 0

see also:

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